3rd Millennium Leadership is founded on three core principles:
1. Leadership without ego – having a passion for what needs to be achieved rather than being focused on yourself
2. Value-centred leadership – having a sense of accountability so that you know you are serving a higher purpose
3. Servant leadership – being prepared to lay your life down for others.
3rd Millennium Leadership has been excellently modelled for us in the lives of a few in the past. We need 3rd Millennium Leaders in our world today.
3 keys: an introduction to 3rd Millennium Leadership
Download our free introductory presentation below to find out:
What are the principles that can inspire visionary leadership?
How can a leader be really effective?
How can a leader encourage, inspire and motivate their people to great results and lasting success?
Dr Chan Abraham has developed these three foundations over a period of over four decades in the fields of business, government, politics and faith communities. They have enabled him and many others to discover "a more excellent way of doing business" in an ambiguous and continually changing world. His passion is to share them with you!